Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Perhaps It's Better to Be the Obscurest Blog on teh Internets

Heading off in a few hours to Hiroshima to meet some old friends now living in Oklahoma (that is, when they're not enjoying the best two-week-tour-of-Japan itinerary I've ever seen in my life--and I'm not just saying that b/c it's the only one). So of course I woke up way too early and I thought, "why not catch up on some bloggy doings?" Let's just say I should have stayed in bed. Stay strong, Scott, Chris, Ilyka, Kevin.... This, too, will pass.


Joseph Kugelmass said...

I definitely want Scott to stay strong; Ilyka has been pretty irritating lately, what with her random participation in the Net battles, and her ongoing stance of "recovering white woman gives you links to BfP that you probably could have found yourself." Plus, endorsement of Ayn Rand.

But hopefully Pandagon as a whole will stay strong. I'm going to start reading them as of today.

The Constructivist said...

Goes to show I haven't been reading much lately. Ilyka was the first person to link to O v. C v. T (back when it was just O v. C), so I cut her a lot of slack. Which is not to say I always agree with her, or Chris, or Scott, or Kevin--or that I'm going to stop reading Jesus' General or Sadly, No! over this.

Oaktown Girl said...

What's BfP?

The Constructivist said...

Hmmm...wish I knew! Joseph?