Thursday, January 10, 2008

Hawthorne Society CFP and Announcements

Got this over the transom from Leland Person and thought I'd do my part to spread the word.


1) The 2008 Hawthorne Society summer meeting at Bowdoin College is scheduled for June 12-15, 2008.

2) We have extended the deadline for submitting paper and other proposals for the Bowdoin conference until January 30th. Here’s the “Call”:

Nathaniel Hawthorne: Starting Over

The Hawthorne Conference organizers offer this wide-ranging rubric to include such topics as: Hawthorne's new start at Bowdoin, his beginnings as a tale writer; his "new" career as a novelist; his new (and constantly renewed) reputation; his interest in the beginnings of things (biblical, historical, personal); his new friends; his sense of the "new" vs. the "old" world; his definition of the "new" woman--and new man ("New Adam and Eve"); Hawthorne and the New Romanticism; Hawthorne and the New Classroom; Hawthorne and the (new) State of Maine; Hawthorne and the (new) structure of allegory; and Hawthorne in the new (21st) Century.

Please send paper topics by January 30, 2008,to Sam Coale, 39 Pratt Street, Providence, RI 02906 or

3) We announce topics for ALA 2008 and MLA 2008:

Teaching Hawthorne
Hawthorne and the Performing Arts

Hawthorne as Story-Teller
Hawthorne and Emerson


Pass it on!

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